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Join me on a journey to empowerment. I’ll teach you how to move, how to nourish your body and tools necessary to grow in every area of your life. But before you decide where to invest your time and money, I think it’s important you get to know a bit more about me. What you may have seen of me is far from the beginning of my journey and it is most definitely not the end, I continually strive to learn and grow in my own life and in the value I bring to others. So, I hope that you are prepared to join me on your own journey to self-empowerment and to unleash the awesome potential you have inside!

Yoga, personal trainer, personal training, pilates

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Hi, I'm 


Perpetual student, knowledge seeker, matcha drinker. Yogi, trainer, coach...

I'm inspired. Inspired by what the human body is capable of, inspired by the superhuman ability we all contain within ourselves, inspired by each and everyone of my clients for having the courage, determination and compasion toward themselves to work with me, bettering themselves everyday.


For those of you who don't know me let me first just say, I'm a bit of a geek! I love all things supernatural, superhuman and superhero. Growing up I used to fantasise about having all these amazing superpowers. I was 100% one of those kids who cried when their Hogwarts letter never arrived.

But I am also someone who enjoys a bit of luxury, if I did attend Hogwarts it would be on the back of a diamond encrusted FireBolt and I may have a slight addiction to Louboutins...


Embracing my geekiness I created HIRO:FITNESS, a place for all my fellow Stan Lee fans, wannabe Mutants, and those with a penchant for cosplay, to train to become a real life superhero!


More so I understand the demand in my clients for not only physical coaching but mental and spiritual guidance too, and this is where my true passion lies; in wellness as a whole, phyiscal, mental & emotional. It has actually brought me full circle, back to before I was involved in the fitness industry. I have a BSc in Psychology, with my main area of study in the field of mental health and counselling for depression & anxiety.


It has been a journey but now my misson has never been clearer, to empower my clients in all areas of wellness, developing a program that challenges the way we think, the way we move, the way we eat and the way we live as a whole.


I invite you along to join me on this journey and together we can unleash our full potential! 

Thanks, I'll get back to you soon!

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